Monday, June 28, 2010
Andrew Anecdotes ~ Green Belt
Andrew tested for his green belt the other night. I was a bit surprised since it had only been a month since his orange belt test. I am thinking that maybe he should have tested for his orange belt a while ago and didn't, so he really should have tested for green last time. I really started thinking that after the test. He did so good this time, the best he's done so far. Best part is, I remembered the camera AND the batteries were charged, so we have some pictures. He was really proud of himself this time too.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Pregnancy Progress ~ 37 Weeks
WOW, I've made it to 37 weeks! It feels like it too. Not too much else to report this time around. I have pretty much been having contractions since last week until yesterday, when the stopped. I am hoping that this is the calm before the storm. Had another non stress test (NST) yesterday to monitor the babies and all is looking good. They were even on their best behavior, shocking. The L&D nurse even said they were the best behaved twins she's had. I told her it must be because they liked her, because they usually aren't that cooperative. I have another sono scheduled for next Friday (not that I still want to be pregnant by then) and then the C-section for the following Wednesday!!!! It is getting so close, yay!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Pregnancy Progress ~ 36 weeks
Wow, I never thought I would ever say that "I am 9 months pregnant with twins", but here I am. I will have to say that week 35/36 has been rough in the sleeping department and I can finally say that I am READY for these babies to be born! I did go in today for my regular appointment and babies are still looking really good. They are estimated to be about 6 lbs each! I am 2 cm dilated, but my cervix is still long. The only major difference is that I did start to have medium contractions last night and all of today. My dr. doesn't think it is "real" labor and doesn't think anything will happen until Monday if at all. This is how it all started when I had Andrew, so you never know. I could be having some babies this weekend or not until next weekend or the weekend after. I personally think they are holding out for Sunday which is my Grandma June's birthday ( who passed away this January) and Father's Day. We shall see. I will say, that if they come this weekend that is fine with me. I am ready for them and I think that they are pretty much done cooking and won't have any major issues with coming at 36 weeks.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Pregnancy Progress ~ 35 Weeks
Today I am 35 weeks with twins. I must say, I am feeling pretty good. I don't have any major issues or complaints. I have only gained about 4 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, no swelling, no back aches, very few contractions, and hardly any heartburn. The only time I really feel like I am big pregnant is at night when I need to turn over or when I get out of bed. I had a non-stress test today to see how the babies were doing. We all passed with flying colors. Neither one of them likes all the monitors and tried really hard to get away. They don't have a lot of room to escape now so, instead they just got the hiccups to mess it up, but not as bad as last time. I go again next week for a sono, so we will see how everything is going. Below are some pictures of me at 34.5 weeks, and yes, I was brave enough to post swim suit pictures. I think for being 8 and a half months pregnant with twins I don't look too bad. ;)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Pregnancy Progress ~ 34 Weels
Wow, time sure flies by. I had another sono today and the babies are big (relatively speaking). She is estimated to weigh 5 lbs 3 oz and he is 5 lbs 4 oz!!!!! According to my book, the average singleton baby "weighs almost 5 lbs at 34 weeks", so we are a little ahead.OMG! That is over 10 lbs of baby in there. One thing that is new/different is that she is now head down. Other than that, things are still looking good. My cervix is still long and closed, which is a good thing. I have been having a few contractions here and there, but my dr said that is normal. She told me I would have been doing that like 8 weeks ago...She also said, going by her experience with other twin pregnancies she thinks that I will go into labor sometime after the 15th. She said I will most likely have these babies in June. No real big surprise there, but we shall see. I am still feeling really good. My dr said I am measuring and should be feeling like someone who is 41 weeks pregnant or one week over due. It is going to be interesting to see how things go the next couple of week. I go in next week for a non-stress test to see how the babies are doing in L&D then I have another sono the week after that. Busy, busy, busy.
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