Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday Thirteen ~ Books I Can't Believe I Haven't Read Yet!!

Here are 13 books that I am shocked to say I haven't read. I always say I am going to, but just haven't. Most of these I just love the movie version, which is probably why I haven't read the book yet. Then there are those that seems like I should have read in high school, but we read other books instead. One day I will finally read these.

1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Gone with the Wind
3. Little Women
4. Dune
5. The Color Purple
6. Great Expectations
7. The Grapes or Wrath
8. Bram Stoker's Dracula
9. Watership Down
10. Catcher in the Rye
11. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
12. The Great Gatsby
13. A Christmas Carol

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Well, a while back I posted about Andrew learning a choice word, which I blamed on dad of course. He's at it again, but this time I know I am totally to blame. I thought we had been very good lately about watching our language, apparently not. Let me set up the scene for you. My cousin, her husband and little girl came over to visit. Andrew and Abrey were by the backdoor looking out the glass when we hear this: "Holy shit mom! There's and airplane!" Mortification galore!!! But it doesn't stop there. Despite our best efforts not to laugh, we all start cracking up. Andrew, taking his as his cue to be funny starts saying "shit, shit, shit, shit........". Of course we had to tell him that that was a bad word and he isn't suppose to say it, so on and so on. I was just waiting for him to tell me "but you do it" which is his usual line, but luckily he didn't.

When we visit my aunt's house Andrew always wants to go outside in the backyard and jump on the trampoline or play in the tree house. He will stay out there forever if we let him. With the 100+ temps lately we have been having to tell him that it is too hot for him outside. Well, he spent the night there the other day and is obsessed with my cousin Matthew, wanting to "play" video games with him the whole time. So, my aunt to give Matthew a break tells Andrew that they can go outside and play now. Andrew, apparently, not wanting to leave Matthew tells her "no, its too hot for me to go outside." Typical, they always do the opposite of what you want.

One last funny story. The air conditioner vent in Andrew's room always vibrates when the air comes on and makes a little buzzing noise for a few seconds. The other night when that happened as I was laying down with Andrew he told me "is Special Agent Oso going to come and fix that". It was so cute. For those that don't know, Special Agent Oso is a cartoon on Disney where a stuffed bear comes and helps kids figure out how to do something.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th!

This 4th of July we had some family come over for a little BBQ and to watch fireworks after. We have a great view of the Pizza Hut Park fireworks from our front yard. Nothing like watching a great show from the comfort of home. Though there for a while we were wondering when they were going to begin. The kids had a great time running around and playing in the kiddie pool we got. Minus the one incident of Andrew swallowing too much water and puking over the side of the pool in to the grass. YUCK!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009