Thursday, May 26, 2011

Twin Tales ~ 10 Months

I am getting soooo bad at updating the blog! Sometimes all the clicking wakes Timothy up (since the computer with all the pictures on it is on the wall right by his head). We've had a busy month. Both babies are crawling, though Timothy still prefers to army crawl. Timothy finally got a 3rd tooth, the next bottom left. Bernadette can pull up all the way now and Timothy can pull to his knees. Both are doing really well at drinking from a straw. They went to their first wedding, my cousin Matthew and Sarah's. They were so good and cute. Bernadette would "sing" with the music or talking. Then we made another trip to El Paso so mommy could see Elise dance point for the first time. All the kids did great in the car and LOVED seeing all their cousins. I think they are going to miss all the extra attention. While we were there both babies said Grandad and Timothy said: get it, James and I am pretty sure Elise. He said baby and excuse after we got home. They are loving all the finger foods they get to eat and will pretty much eat anything, though they don't like the texture of the whites of soft boiled eggs. Bernadette has also started playing peek-a-boo with her own hands and they both like putting my hand over their face to play too. Timothy loves to dance and will dance while sitting in his highchair or on the floor. Both babies are starting to shake their heads no (yay for me).

Typical for us. At least she is owning up to making him cry.

I have been trying to fatten them (Bernadette mostly) up.
Looks like it is working.

Bernadette is 10 months!

Timothy is 10 months!

They are getting taller!

It is still pretty hard for me to keep them still.

One smile out of two ain't bad.

In real life Timothy is way taller. He

is slouching here.