Sunday, December 13, 2009

Decorating the Tree

Andrew was so excited this year about Christmas. He really wanted to "help" with everything. I wish I would have gotten a picture of his face when we told him we were decorating the tree. He wanted to help with every little thing. He still needs a little practice putting ornaments on the tree (he is still putting them all on one branch). He was just too cute and I can't wait to see him on Christmas Day.

Helping Daddy put up the tree.

Hanging ornaments

Here he is hanging is 4th Christmas ornament.
It just feels weird to think that he is only
3 and yet this is his 4th Christmas.
Andrew got to put the top on the tree this year.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Boy! He is really into Christmas this year. When I pulled out all the decorations he insisted on helping me. Which, as you might guess, wasn't all that helpful (but super cute). On Saturday, he got to help daddy put the lights out in the yard. Marc said he started complaining about the cold, but he made him stay out there.

Sometimes I just can't believe how good his memory is. He has only seen Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer once last year. This year when it came on he immediately asked me if this is the one where that monster captures his mommy. I also think it is kind of funny that of all the things from that show, he remembers that. He also tells me that he is scared of that "Bombibal Monster".

The other thing that has been cracking me up is watching him play with his Little People Nativity Scene. All my friends with little girls play with them so nice and sweet. Not my kid. Baby Jesus is always on the verge of being eaten by a dinosaur. This said dinosaur, is constantly biting and picking up the barn, throwing and tossing everyone around, which somehow causes an explosion. Every person in the scene has at one point been very forcible jammed onto the roof where the Angel sits and when you press down starts the music. They will all be lucky if they make it to next Christmas. Andrew also still insists on call Baby Jesus, her. Even when I ask him if its is a boy or girl baby he tells me its a boy and then turns right around and says her.

Last funny thing, Andrew was getting ready to jump of something and yelled for me to look and after I did, I told him he couldn't do that. He then tells me "well, then don't look".

Monday, November 30, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Yesterday I was asking Andrew how old he was going to be on his next birthday. He then told me "old".

We had a pretty good Thanksgiving. We went to my aunt Margaret's for dinner and then celebrated Heather's 20th birthday. Andrew had a lot of fun "playing" video games with his big cousin Matthew. He got a little pouty when Chris and Paul showed up and there wasn't enough controllers to go around. He plopped down in front of the door with a super sad face. The best part was that he actually ate some turkey. Grant it, it was before the meal actually started, but better than nothing. This whole month when people have been asking him what he has been thankful for, he keeps saying "candy". Nice, Andrew, real nice...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Flashback Friday ~ Nov. 2006

Back when Andrew's eyes were still blue/gray

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Walking With Dinosaurs!

A few weeks ago we took Andrew to see this show called Walking With Dinosaurs. It was AWESOME! They had life size dinosaurs the walked around and roared. I can't tell you how cool it was. It was like watching a real life Discovery Chanel show. The whole show was basically a science lesson with "real" participants. Andrew had see one of the dinosaurs on the news and had told us that he wanted to go, over and over and over and over again. He really enjoyed it and still talks about it. But of course my camera died just before the T-Rex came out. :( Some of the pictures may be blurry because couldn't use the flash.

Roar! I'm a "dinoroar"

The stage before the show. The Bracciosaurs
that came out reached all the way to those lights up top!



Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

Andrew was so cute this year. He was really excited about dressing up and I think he remembered what the deal was from last year. Which, by the way, is when he decided that wanted to be Superman. Marc wore a Superman T-shirt and Andrew's cape and Andrew cried then to be Superman. So, this year when I asked him what he wanted to be he said without missing a beat "Superman".

Here he is helping Daddy gut the pumpkin.

Reaching in to grab the seeds.

Making sure Mommy did a good job on the carving.
After Karate class he insists on wearing his
Rick's Kicks T-shirt all day. I hope you can't
tell he doesn't have shorts on.
Two great smiles.

I pretty much threw this costume together.
It's a Superman T-shirt, a blue pair of PJ's, a pair of
red underwear and socks, a cape we got at Six Flags, and yellow
electrical tape for a belt.
Up, Up and Away!

We tried really hard to get the Superman curl.
His bangs were cut a little too short
the last time we went to the Barber. Then it had to be
on the side with his cowlick or it wouldn't have worked at all.
This is right before we went trick-or treating.
At each house, after the people opened the door, Andrew would
say "Trick-or-treat Jesus!". What was up with that?
I have no idea where he got that from.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Worsless Wednesday ~ More Fair Pictures

I wish the middle one came out clear. He had a big smile on his face.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Visit From Grandma and Grandpa

This weekend we got a special visit from Marc's parents. Andrew was so excited to see them. Grandpa Jebb was his new best friend and Andrew followed him EVERYWHERE! At first he was calling Grandma Kate, Grandma Patsy and then he switched over to calling her Grandma Cake. It was soooo cute! We had a busy weekend. We went golfing on Friday, the Fort Worth Zoo on Saturday, and Texas State Fair on Sunday. We had a blast!!!! I know he is already missing them.

You know Andrew, he had to show Grandpa his golfing skill.

Riding in the golf cart with Grandpa and Grandma "Cake"

His face in this picture is just too funny.
I think he was looking to see if ball went in the hole.
The Fort Worth Zoo has a really neat bird house
where you can get a stick and feed the Parakeets.
Andrew got a few to land on his stick. I don't think all the birds
had waken up yet and so they didn't get real active/hungry until we left.
Of Course he kept trying to touch them and then they'd fly away.
I think we have found the trick to the State Fair. We got there about
an hour before it opened, the gates were opened at that time, and took all our pictures
and visited the animals. Which was about the only thing open at that time.
By the time it got crowded we had seen/done everything we needed to do.

Andrew, Grandpa and Grandma in front of Big Tex.
Kate and Jebb also got their first taste of the famous Fletcher's Corny Dog.
It was nice to get into the petting zoo early. There was maybe 10 people in there
total including us.

Getting ready to go up on the Farris wheel. Grandpa
doesn't like rides, so he waited at the bottom. I have to say
this is a really good picture of Marc and Andrew.

Here we are close to the top.
If you look hard you can see the tiny
cars in the background.
Andrew really wanted to ride some rides this time.
We did let him go on a few. I have a really cute one
of he and Marc coming down the
big slide, but I will save those pictures for another post.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Here is Andrew with my (our) cousin Matthew, who is
Andrew's new BFF.
It feels like it has been forever since I posted, but nothing has been going on lately. But here are a few funny things Andrew has done or said. First off, his school sends out a newsletter each month and one of the sections is "The Cute Things Kids Say". I am pretty sure one of their quotes came from Andrew, though I may never know for sure. It was introduce by telling us how one of the teachers was talking about eating dinner and all the good things we can eat. She then turns and asks the kid next to her what was their favorite thing to eat for dinner was and the kid's response was "JUNK!". The reason why I think this is Andrew is because when I tell him it is dinner time or he has to eat dinner first he tells me "I don't want dinner! I want junk!".

Sometimes he is just so observant. We were waiting in the carpool line for his school one morning. There are several flowering bushes that line the drive way and they are always swarming with bees. Andrew likes watching the bees from the window and told me "Hey look, those bees are playing Hide-n-go-seek." And you know it did look like that's what they were doing. It is just so cute the way their brains work and how they see the word.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

A quick funny story about what Andrew said the other day. How we got on to this topic I can't quite remember. But we had a conversation about breast feeding. Yes, I know what you are thinking. Any way we probably got onto this topic because several of our friends have had or are having babies. So, I was explaining to him how some babies drink milk from their mommies and of course he asked how. So, I told him how some mommies get milk in their boobies for the baby to eat and how that's how he ate when he has a baby. I could then see the wheels turning in his brain as he thought about this. He then puts his ear on me and says "I don't hear any milk in there". That was the funniest thing and we both laughed and laughed. Only Andrew....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not so Wordless Wednesday ~ Poor Andrew

Monday night just before bed, Andrew was running full speed and tripped on something. He flew, Superman style, straight into his little table. It was one of those that you know is going to happen and you just can move fast enough to stop it. Needless to say he got a HUGH bump on his head. We were pretty lucky, it looked like it was that close to being split open. So glad we didn't need a trip to the ER for stitches! He was such a good boy and only cried for a tiny bit.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Andrew has been saying some pretty funny stuff lately. The other day we were at Half Priced Books looking around and while GAM and I were looking at the shelf we hear a big clatter. When we turn around we see Andrew holding a record sleeve and a record on the floor (luckily it didn't break). Andrew then tells us "Oops! I dropped that big CD". We laughed so hard. Not to bad for someone who has never seen a record before and has know idea what it is for. Later we went for lunch and an Asian restaurant and Andrew got his chopsticks and raised them over his head, banged them together and went "one, two, one, two, three, four", then proceeded to hit them on the table just as if it were a drum kit. Where he got that from, I have no idea.

Yesterday, I saw a fire ant hill next to our driveway. I was trying to tell Andrew to never go near it because those ants are really mean and will bite him and that it will hurt very bad. So he then asks me why the ants are mean and I tell him that they just are. Like any typical 3 year old, the why, why, why follows, so I tell him God made them that way. He thinks about it for a little bit then tells me "Well, Jesus needs to make them happy". How cute is that!!! When we do talk about Jesus he always asks "The Jesus in my heart?", awwwww!

When we were in El Paso, Andrew and I went to my sister's house for dinner one night and they were watching Amadeus. Well, at every scene when Mozart was conducting the orchestra Andrew would stand in front of the TV and pretend to conduct too. It was pretty cute. He really liked that movie and watch most of it intently. Especially when the music came on. I know some of the songs her recognized from Little Einsteins, but a good portion of the songs he had never heard.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes ~ Robin Hood

Andrew had been watching Robin Hood a bunch before our trip to El Paso and he told me that he wanted me to get him a bow and arrow. So like any mom would do I told him he had to wait and ask Santa (in hopes that he'd forget). After I told my mom this, she did what any good grandma would do, she went and got him one to play with when we visited. He, of course, was thrilled! Well, he had been playing with them for a while chasing grandad around. Next thing we know he comes out from the back of the house with the arrows sticking up from his shirt, just like it was his quiver. It was so cute, and he did it all on his own.

Friday, August 28, 2009

El Paso Trip Part III

I have been trying to get these pictures up for days, but for whatever reason they wouldn't "add". Anyway here are some pictures from our White Sands trip. We just love White Sands and try and go once a year. The day we went it was PACKED!!!! Almost every dune was full. I hadn't seen that many people there in a really long, long time. It was kind of funny, the first family that was next to us was from China and then after they left the next family that came was from India. We lent the 2nd family one of our sand sleds and they had a great time. They also thought Andrew was the cutest, funniest thing they'd ever seen and want to get their picture with him and came to hug him bye bye when they brought the sled back. They even asked him if he wanted to come with them and he said yes and then thought better about it. Which is kind of scary that he was willing to go at first. We all has such a good time.

The sunsets here are just beautiful!

Aren't we cute!

Here is a picture of Elise, Me, Joseph, Margaret (GAM) and Andrew

He had so much fun sliding down the hill in the sled.
When you live in the desert the only kind of sledding you
get to do is sand sledding.

His face says it all.

My mom and my Aunt

My cousin Matthew (Andrew's new bff) was digging a big hole
that eventually was deeper than Andrew was tall.

Getting deeper. I wish I could of had a video of Andrew running down the hill and when he saw the hole he put on the brakes, but kept sliding down and fell perfectly into the hole, body first and disappeared. This was the main reason the family from India thought he was so funny. Word just don't do it justice.

I think he was having fun.

Picnic time anyone?

How Elise, who is almost 13, and I managed to make it down the hill
on the sled is still beyond me. Even James looks a little shocked.

This picture of Eileen and Andrew was just too cute!