Saturday, May 30, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Andrew just cracks me up!!!! The other day we were driving in the car and he tells me "Mommy, I am praying for a baby to get into your tummy". Awww! How sweet is that. When I asked him if he was ready for a baby to come live in his house with him he tells me "Umm, maybe in El Paso". This made me laugh, not to mention bring a little tear to my eye. I guess he is paying attention when we say prayers at night.

He has also decided that instead of sitting in his little toy car to watch his movies he has to sit on top. This makes me a little nervous. Especially when he decided this is the perfect way to get items off the banister. No more putting things out of reach there.

Today we went to one of his little friend's birthdays. It was a blast! There was a jumping balloon, a firetruck and a pinata (spelling?). When it was time to shake all the candy out, Andrew decided rather than picking the candy up off the ground like all the other kids, he was going to hold his bag up under the hole where the candy was falling out of. Leave it to Andrew the stinker!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy 8th Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband! Wow, I can't believe we have been married 8 years and not only that, but we started dating at about this time in 1997! We have been together 12 years, nearly half my life. :)

To think of all that has happened in the past 8 years. We both graduated from college, moved to VA, I started teaching and you law school. You graduating from law school, moving back to TX, preparing for, taking and then passing the BAR, and me teaching at THS. Next we bought our first dog then house and finally had our first baby. Though we have had our heart broken not so long ago, I am still thankful for all that has taught us. I love and appreciate you more each day and look forward to our future as a family.

And even though no one wants to play board games ;) with us anymore for fear of the aftermath (and it doesn't matter if we are on the same team or opposite sides) ; I still love you as much today as that first day. Here's to many more years together.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Flashback Friday

Andrew 6 months
He had just gotten his first 2 teeth (at the same time) Bottom left and top right. He looked just like a jack-o-lantern for Halloween.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Follicle Follies

Well, so far it seems that my new meds are working. I have at least 2 follicles of the right size. This is the first time that has happened in almost 18 months of trying with meds. So, let's hope that one of the 2 takes, since 1 alone hasn't been getting the job done. But, like usual, it took mine longer than "average" to get to the right size. No big surprise there. So, say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that it will ALL work this time.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes ~ Big Boy Bed

So, I finally moved Andrew out of his crib and into a big boy bed. It has taken a while: 1. I said I was going to leave him in there until I needed the crib for someone else, but at the rate I am going he'll be in college before that happens. 2. He is such an escape artist that I wanted him contained as long as possible. Luckily, so far, I told him he couldn't get out of bed until it was morning and if he needed me to call, and he listened. The first two nights have gone great!!! He is still asking me to sleep in his bed with him,but after I tell him no a few times he accepts it and goes to sleep. Now we haven't done a nap in the the big boy bed, and I have a feeling that is going to be interesting. We haven't' gotten the bed spread out of the attic yet and we aren't going to buy a bedroom set or anything until we are done having kids and know what to get who and so on. The big red quilt is one my Grandma Dottie made for me when I was younger and the white and red one my Great Aunt Ginny made me for my first baby. Andrew really likes it. It was the blanket I'd but on the floor for him to play on when he was a baby. We recently got it back out when he started asking to be covered up at night about a month ago. When I pulled it out he saw it and went "oh cute!".

A few other funny stories from this weekend. Marc asked him who he loved more, mommy or daddy? (I know why would he do that) Andrew thought about it for a few seconds and then said "Bruce". The other funny thing he did was when we were getting ready to wrap some Barbies for a friend's birthday and Andrew told us he wanted a Barbie too. Marc said only girls play with Barbies, you're not a girl are you? Andrew then replied "I am a girl and I want a Barbie!" Then at the actual party someone commented how his friend was opening her presents so lady like and Andrew shouted "I'm a lady too!". Sometimes those girl toys just look like so much fun to play with. ;)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

The other day I was putting Andrew's winter clothes away for the summer. He got 2 shirts out and put them on his head and told me "Look I am a "tiger", ROAR!" He calls any big cat a tiger, even though he know the difference between tigers and lions at least. He looked really cute as you can see.

His GAM and her family also left for Hawaii. We took them to the airport and after we dropped them off he told me "I want to go to Hawaii too. I want to go soooooo bad. Please, Please, Please!". You and me both kid. He then told me that "I miss GAM already. I want to be in Hawaii with GAM".

Another funny story is the other day our cat Max was sitting by the stairs and Bruce (the dog, in case you didn't already know) came walking by. Andrew then yells "Run kitty!!!!!! Bruce is going to eat you!". A little while later, Andrew is sitting on the bathroom floor while I am getting ready. Bruce is in the bathroom in between me and Andrew and Max is just on the other side of the door with Andrew in between him and the dog. Well, Bruce decides that he is going to faint a charge at the cat. Max was not having that! He lest out a huge hiss, runs over Andrew and pretty much attacks the dog. Well, as much as a cat without claws can attack a 100 pound dog. I swear I am not sure who was more shocked by this; the dog or Andrew. If I only had a picture of his face.

Lastly, Andrew has begun the slightly annoying habit of questioning everything. However, he hasn't quite gotten the difference between why and how. So, this is how a typical conversation goes.
Andrew: Where is GAM going?
Me: Hawaii
Andrew: How
Me: Do you mean why?
Andrew: Yes
Andrew: what's that giant excavator doing on that truck
Me: It's too big and slow to drive itself
Andrew: how?

Now imagine that ever other minute all day long. Even when I remind him that is is WHY and not how, 1 second later I hear "How?" out of the back seat.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Flashback Friday ~ First Mother's Day

With Mother's Day just around the corner I thought I'd post a picture from my first Mother's Day. Every time I pulls these pictures out I still can't believe how much skinnier I was and I had just had a baby! I totally look like I just had a baby though. The dark circles under my eyes and the world's biggest pimple on my forehead from all the new mommy hormones.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

So Andrew totally freaked me out last night. He started crying like 45 minutes after he went to bed and wouldn't stop. I went up to see what was wrong and he tells me "Someone woke me up. They are right there". Then he points up to the ceiling above his bed where the ceiling and wall meet. Ok, a little unnerving, but I tell him that there is no one there and that he was dreaming. Then he tells me "I can hear them talking behind my letters". UGH!!! I then tell him that he is hearing the TV and there is nothing to worry about and I started rocking him. He then goes on to tell me that he doesn't want to sleep in his bed, that he wants to sleep in my bed. So, daddy was nice enough to go to bed early with Andrew. However, that was a little freaky and I kind of felt guilty when I put him back in his room at like 2 am. Especially, when he told me half asleep "I don't want to be in my bed" as I laid him down. This was the first time he has ever woken up scared and asked to sleep in my bed. I am not sure who I was trying to reassure more that it was the TV, him or me. ;)

On a lighter note, Andrew and Marc (or whoever he can get to) have been playing "tackle football" in the den. What is so funny/cute about this is that when Andrew has the ball and Marc is trying to get him, the dog blocks for him. Bruce is pretty good too. Marc has almost gone flying though the back door a few times. No to mention that Bruce will bite the bottom of Marc's shirt and pull to try and stop him from running. To top that off, he helps Andrew get Marc when he has the ball. It is really cute to watch.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Update on Me

I went in today for my one week post-op appointment. The Dr. said everything looks great and is healing well. I have no restrictions on any activities and I will be at StrollerFit Wednesday. They found nothing major during my procedures and he thinks that my issues can be solved with stronger meds. Which I get to start ASAP. For those of you worrying that I am going to be an "octo-mom", don't. I am so far away from that even being a possibility. With this new medicine, my chances of having twins only increases by like 5% and believe me at this point 2 at once is better than none at all. The other people I know who have taken this medicine and gotten pregnant are having only one baby. So, let's keep our fingers crossed and pray that we have a good outcome this time around. :)