Monday, September 27, 2010

Andrew Anecdotes ~ Blue Blet

Andrew tested for his blue belt on Friday. I just can't believe how well he has done so far. I think the next step for him will be moving up to the next class level. I am so glad he still enjoys going to karate. He has so much fun!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Twin Tales ~ 2 month Stats

Wow! I just can't believe that 2 months have already gone by. The babies are growing so fast and are really getting cute. They are both smiling and cooing away. Bernadette is finally getting use to the car seat and is ok in it (not moving) for a while now. We started back at StrollerFit and now I have to get her use to the stroller. Timothy is a trooper as always. I am so glad that he is such a laid back baby. He really is so much like Andrew. Both Timothy's and Bernadette's hair is growing/growing back in and they both had super short hairs sticking up all over their heads. Bernadette has a few really long (original) hairs here and there. When those are sticking up she reminds me of a Muppet.

They had their 2 month check up on Sept. 7th and both passed with flying colors. Their doctor was impressed with all their weight gain and Bernadette is finally on the charts for weight, especially since I am still nursing them. They are sleeping ok at night. We usually get one good 4-5 hour stretch and then it's the every 3 hours. They are really starting to enjoy playing on the floor now. They kick their legs and wave their arms when we shake or dangle toys.

Here are their stats:

Weights: 8 lbs 15 oz 10th percentile
Height: 21.5 inches 19th percentile
Head Circumference: 14.5 inches 9th percentile
Likes: The swing, shaking the rattle and being held facing forward or on your shoulder
Dislikes: The car seat

Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz 13th percentile
Height: 22 inches 18th Percentile
Head Circumference: 15.16 inches 18th percentile
Likes: The pacifier, dangling toys, and being held in the cradle position
Dislikes: Waking up in the mornings and getting his diaper changed.

Both babies gained about the same amount of weight and grew the same amount as Andrew did between his 2 week and 8 week appointments. That makes me feel better since Bernadette was so small when she was born. Everyone is right on track.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Andrew Anecdotes

Andrew had his last, first day of Mother's Day Out (preschool) last week. He had a pretty good first week and I am hoping that this will be a trend. I can already see a difference in the work they send home now as compared to the end of last year. First big surprise was Spanish homework!!! Not that it was anything big, he just had to color some pictures to practice his Spanish colors. He is getting pretty good at them now too. He really likes going to school, but misses his little friend from last year who isn't in his class this year.
A couple of funny stories. I already talked about him being upset that Timothy has to wear a "dress" for his Baptism, so I showed Andrew the pictures of him in the same gown. He was like "oh man, I was wearing a dress too!!!". It's funny how they think at this age already. The other funny was while we were in El Paso my mom was going to get Andrew gum or something and he wasn't asking very nice so mom says "What's the magic work" and Andrew answers "Abra-ka-dabra" instead of please. It was hilarious and too cute.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Twin's Baptism

We traveled to El Paso last week to have the twins Baptized and for a visit. All went well. The babies and Andrew were good on the trip up and back. Even though we had a rough start going. The batteries in both my car and Marc's died as we tried to leave. Then Marc forgot his phone. It was such a nice visit.

I was worried at first that I wasn't going to be able to find a Baptismal gown for both babies as we only had one. It's the one that my Aunt Anna made for Kathrine and all us kids and most of the grand kids have worn. Well, it turns out that Anna's mom had made one very similar for Richie when he was born so we got two almost identical Baptismal gowns. They looked so cute. Andrew wasn't too happy that Timothy was wearing a dress. When he saw him in it he said "Wait! He's wearing a dress! I think he needs to take it off.". So cute!

Bernadette getting Baptized

Timothy getting Baptized

Bernadette with her Godparents, Margaret (GAM) and Robert

Timothy with his Godparents, Michael and Elizabeth

The bow Bernadette is wearing, my sister gave to her, and
we are to save it so she can wear it as a garter for her wedding.

