Sunday, February 28, 2010

Then and Now!

Wow, what a difference 2 babies make! Here are 2 pictures of me pregnant on my birthday. The one of me in red is my birthday 2006 and I was about 8 months pregnant with Andrew. The one of me in black is this year and I am 5 months pregnant with the twins. OUCH!!!! I am going to get really BIG!!!

5 months with twins

8 months with Andrew

Monday, February 22, 2010

Andrew Andecdotes

If I thought Andrew would have kept this up, I would have video taped it. As it is, you will just have to use your imagination a bit with this post. He was telling me that one of the little girls in his MDO class was getting mad at him. So, I asked him why and he said because he took her paper. Again, I asked him why he took her paper. No joke, you would have thought he started to have a seizure. He was stuttering, flapping his arms, shaking his head and pacing back and forth. He kept saying "I can't say why". We figured it was because he liked her and even asked him. Well, he confirmed that for us when his "fit" got worse. After about 10 min of this he finally whispered to Marc that he liked he. That night as I put him to bed he told me "I can't marry Chloe because I am already going to marry Neely Kate. SOOOOOO cute!

He has also been really cute with the babies. He calls the boy "my boy". He also thinks that my bellybutton is a window into my womb. He looks in it just like you would a hole in the wall and tells me that he can see the babies ("I can see them!"). He then puts his mouth there and yells "Hello babies! It's me, Andrew. I'm your brother" (as if they will have any doubt who he is when they get here). He also put his ear there and tells me he can hear them. I just love to see how excited he gets and how much he already loves them.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's a Boy and a Girl!!!

Ok, these aren't' the best pictures. I had to take a picture of the picture with my camera. I have a few more too, but I will post those and re-post these after I get my aunt to scan them in the near future.
So, it looks like it will be a boy and a girl. Andrew was right, yet again. Everything is looking good so far. They are measuring right on target. My Dr. said that if they continue to grow like this, I will have some pretty big twins (which I am assuming means about 6+ lbs). The girl is baby A which is the lower twin and the boy is baby B and he is above my bellybutton. They are both horizontal in my tummy right now facing each other. The other thing my Dr. wanted to check was the length of my cervix, as that can be a indicator if I could go into early labor, and I got an A++ on that. They also checked placenta positions and the girl's is a little close to my cervix, so they will keep an eye on that. My weight was good and my Dr. was happy. I gained about 3.5 lbs since my last visit, which puts me at -13 since I got pregnant. My BP was also good this time. It had been high the last few visits, but I think that was nerves (which seems to be the case).
Andrew was so cute watching the babies on the screen. When they said a boy and a girl he kept saying, "I was right, I was right". One of the babies was moving its arm and we told him it was waving at him and he started waving back. Then he "got scared" when they put the heart rates on the screen and told us he couldn't watch.
I just can't say how happy we are for 2 healthy babies! We are praying that all goes as well the rest of the pregnancy. Check back in a few days for better pictures.

I forgot to add, that as of today I am 18 1/2 weeks. I am measuring like 30-31 weeks. Now I don't feel so bad that I look like I did at 6 months with Andrew. The top of my uterus is about 3 almost 4 inches above my bellybutton.

Friday, February 12, 2010


It started snowing early, early on the morning of the 11th and continued nonstop for 24 hours. Needless to say we got a ton of snow probably about 9-10 inches. DFW airport reported a new record of 12.5 inches! Andrew had so much fun playing in the snow. I am glad we bought snow pants and shoes when we visited Grandma and Grandpa in MI for Christmas 2008!

Getting ready to go out.

Trying to make a snowball with mittens isn't easy.

The first snowman Andrew has ever made.

He might look sad because the dog peed on his backside.

Today (Friday) Andrew got to wear daddy's hat.

He didn't want me to take anymore pictures so we could
have a snowball fight.

Here we are together in the snow.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blessings in Disguise

I don't often write about my feelings or very personal things that I have strong emotions about. It's not that I don't want to share them, it's just that I can never seem to find the right words to convey my feelings in writing. So, bare with me on this one. On Jan. 24, my Grandma June passed away. I was very fortunate however, to have seen her over Christmas. Which isn't always the case, since we usually alternate which family we visit at Christmas. I was lucky that this year was my year to go to El Paso.

Here is where the blessing in disguise comes in. We all have those moments were something seems to "go wrong" or get delayed or whatever. If you are like me you probably wonder what was the point in all that? Here is how my blessing in disguise started. My cousin and I decided we were going to give my Grandma June a "Little Impressions" mold of Andrew's hand and my cousin's daughter's hand for Christmas. So we made our gift in Nov. and it was going to be ready before Christmas. Marc was heading out to El Paso just before Christmas and was going to pick up the finished product so we could give it to Grandma on Christmas Eve. Well, as it turns out the kiln (hope that is how it goes) that the lady at Little Impressions uses broke and the items weren't going to be ready in time to for Marc to pick up. I was fortunate enough that my Aunt was making the trip to El Paso after Christmas and she was going to bring the hand prints with her. The only "bad thing" was, I wasn't going to be able to give my Grandma her gift until after Christmas. Here is the real blessing, because she didn't get to open it before, Andrew, Marc and I made a special trip to my Grandma's house to bring her her gift. I rarely go there, since her house isn't kid proof and she usually visits us at my mom's house. So, we gave her her gift and she got to open it all by itself with Andrew right by her. No other hoopla or Christmas rush, and since we had went to her house we got to have a nice long visit with her and her husband. I got 2 really good pictures with Andrew and her and he and Arthur, the only ones I think I have. It was just the 3 of us and the 2 of them. So, you see, if it wasn't for the kiln breaking and the gift arriving late, I wouldn't have had that one last private visit with my Grandma before she passed away. I am so thankful for these little blessings that God sends our way without us knowing. For He does know what is best and what we need.