Friday, July 1, 2011

Twin Tales ~ 11 Months

WOW! I just keep getting worse about posting! I had to get these up since they will be A YEAR in a week. Holy Cow! Where has the time gone! They have been so cute lately and doing so much! Both babies can now crawl proper and pull up. Bernadette is "walking" pushing her little toy and sometimes will cruise around the furniture. Bernadette can now say ball and hat. YAY! Timothy is still talking up a storm. He said sister clear as day yesterday and a bunch of others. They are both playing Peek-a-boo a lot, and waving bye-bye. And they are both trying to sign "more" more often. Bernadette now has 5 teeth and Timothy has 7. OMG! I think they are so stinking cute! I am hoping to have their birthday pictures up in a timely manner.

WOW! A Really good picture of them both.

Timothy looks like he is chillin.

Typical Bernadette, not looking.

What a cutie!

OMG! 11 months!