Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Anecdotes ~ First Tooth Lost

It finally happened! Andrew lost his first tooth. I thought the kid was going to follow in my footsteps and have to get his teeth pulled. The kid had been working hard at wiggling that tooth and I think he may have even broken the root and that is what really got it loose and wiggly. So, on February 1, 2012, he was bugging me to pull it for him. It was just hanging there. However, mommy does NOT do teeth. Loose teeth totally gross me out, so daddy pulled it when he came home from work. I have to say it's a good thing they didn't do it in the bathroom because it bled a lot and neither Marc or Andrew do blood. The tooth even had a little bit of the root left, but it was ready to come out. The permanent tooth was already there waiting. The funny thing is, that his second permanent tooth just broke through and his baby tooth is just starting to get wiggly. So, we may have to get some teeth pulled anyway. Let's hope not.

Our neighbor made this tooth pillow for him when

he was born. The Tooth Fairy put a dollar coin in the pocket.

If you look close you can see his

permanent tooth.

Here it is, root and all.

He doesn't look so sure about this tooth pulling thing here.

See, it was a little bloody. Andrew doesn't know this

or we'd NEVER be able to pull another tooth.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas 2011

Forgive me for taking SOOOOOOOOO long to post this and for the pictures being out of order. For whatever reason I couldn't move them around like usual. We had a great Christmas. We went to El Paso and got to spend a lot of time with family. We didn't get to stay as long as we wanted because he had to rush home so Andrew could get his tonsils out. He was so excited for Christmas this year and to see all his cousins. To top it off he only threw up once on the car ride there. It even snowed while we were there. The twins on the other hand had no idea what was going on but liked having a lot of attention.

After 3 years, the Kirkland's finally have a play kitchen.

Santa left this at our house (he knew it was too big to fit in the car)

and Andrew was so surprise to find it when

we got home.

Here are the kids with their stockings. Timothy had no
problem saying

Santa brought Andrew mostly sporting equipment.

He must have known Andrew was starting a new sport.

Playing with their tub letters and numbers while

wearing their backpacks that they love.

A bat and shinguards

The tree after Santa came. The

Twins' piles look so pathetic compared to

Andrew's pile.

Coming to see their toys.

Mean Daddy made the poor kid wait

like an hour before waking the babies up

so we could check out the tree.

Here they are ALL smiling on Christmas Eve.

Say cheese Great-grandpa Arthur

YAY! Matching outfits!

4 out of 5 smiles ain't bad!

Getting her hair rolled for the first time.

Minus the hair she looks just like Andrew here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

What a fun Halloween we had this year. Andrew was so excited to be a Red Power Ranger! Why he always has to pick a super hot costume, I don't know. He wore the mask for like 5 seconds and that was it. We went trick-or-treating with his bff Daryl. I walked with Andrew and friends the first half and dad pulled the twins in the wagon then we switched and I took the twins home. My mom and dad were here this year to enjoy the kids and it was a lot of fun. I have to say the twins looked super cute, but as always we couldn't get any real good pictures of them. Bernadette had the whole carrying the pumpkin with her to get candy, yet she wasn't all excited about going to the doors. Timothy on the other had, could careless about his pumpkin, but was all about going to the door.

Eeeeww! Pumpkin guts!

Bernadette looks so happy to be here. Messy hair and all.

Andrew came up with the pumpkin face all on his own.

I think we got almost all the shapes.

Mommy and Daddy got to dress up this year too.

Velma and Shaggy
I had wanted Andrew to be Scooby Doo and the twins to

be Freddy and Daphne, but he didn't want to.

Red Power Ranger costume

circa. 2003

At least they are all looking in the general direction of the camera.

Time to go Mickey, Minnie and Power Ranger

One day we will get a good picture of all 3 kids.

Let me go mom! I want to go eat my candy!

This is at the pumpkin patch over by our house.

He did NOT want to take any pictures.

Looking at this picture makes me see how big he has gotten.

I have one of him in front of this windmill every year.

LOVE this picture! Can you believe they are both

smiling and looking in the same direction!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Twin Tales

I have been such a SLACKER with my blogging! A lot has happened since the last post. Both babies are FINALLY walking. Bernadette took her first steps on August 16th and decided to walk all the time instead of crawl around Sept. 22nd. Timothy on the other hand was not so cooperative. He stood up all on his own the same day Bernadette walked and didn't even attempt a real step until Oct. 1st! He would think about taking a step, lift his foot then kind of go "whoa" and sit back down before anything happened. However, once he decided that he could walk he has been working hard at it and by Oct. 19th he was choosing to walk instead of crawl. He is still a little wobbly though. In the mean time sister has been climbing on everything and will look at me and laugh. Such a stinker. Both kids are liking Mother's Day Out. No more tears at drop off. Bernadette has become very attached to her blankie and wants to take it everywhere now, instead of just sleeping with it. While Timothy just likes stuffed animals.

They had a great 15 month well check up. Both kids are growing and doing what they are suppose to. Both are still hanging out in the same percentiles, but that is better than going down.
Here are their stats:

Weight: 19lbs 9 oz - 7%
Height: 29.5 inches - 24%
HC: 17.75 inches - 28%
Likes: her blankie and wearing her pink, Texas Rangers hat ALL the time
Dislikes: Getting sand or sugar on her hands (the kid won't even eat a sugar cookie), taking off her Rangers hat, brother taking her stuff, Andrew sitting on mommy's lap.

Weight: 22 lbs 10 oz - 24%
Height:30.5 inches - 33%
HC: 18.5 inches - 45%
Likes: Swinging, rocking, laying his head on stuffed animals
Dislikes: When things don't go his way, sister taking his stuff and when Andrew or Bernadette is on mommy's lap.

I am a big girl, look at me walk.

I am going to walk all the time now.

Timothy walking in his Halloween costume.

More pictures of both him walking

and Halloween to come.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

I can't believe my baby has started kindergarten. Where has the time gone! He was so excited to go. We picked out his Transformers backpack a few weeks before school and it can actually transform from Bubmlebee to Optimus Prime. He had a great first couple of weeks of school. He was even kissing girls by the second day. Or at least they were trying to kiss him, but when I asked him if he kissed any back he said "just one". It took him a while to learn all the names of his friends and when I asked them what they looked like he said "one is black and one is brown". So, his best friends are Daryl and Leo. We walk to everyday with Daryl and Victoria who live right around the corner. Which was a nice suprise to know he has so many friends who live close by. He really loves school and I think he has a crush on his teacher who is young and pretty, or as Andrew tells me "she not pretty she's beautiful". I know he likes school a lot, but it is like pulling teeth. He hates telling me anything. This is what I get from him after I ask a few questions "Every answer to your question is yes, yes, and yes!". I am looking forward to see what the next few months hold.

Poor Marc had to travel out of town for work and

missed the first day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Twin Tales ~ One Year!!!

I can't believe it has been a year already! It truly has flown by. It seems like only yesterday we were heading to the hospital to meet our twins. How Bernadette was so tiny she didn't fit well in the car seat. Now they have grown so big and are all over the place. For their first birthday we drove to El Paso for the Fourth of July so they could celebrate their birthday with a lot of family. I decided to do Raggedy Ann and Andy cakes since that is what their first Halloween costumes were. My Aunt Margaret (GAM) helped me make them. I think we did a pretty good job. I also followed the North Texas tradition of getting Bernadette a petty-skirt to wear for her fist birthday. Too bad she isn't walking yet or it would have been even cuter. They really enjoyed seeing all their aunts, uncles and cousins, even though Timothy had the WORST case of diaper rash following a bout of diarrhea. Poor guy, we stopped at a truck stop to gas up and when I got him out of the car his white onesie was brown from his wait to his arm pits. Andrew kept yelling at Marc from the changing table "Daddy you really have to come see this! There's poop EVERYWHERE!". They also had their first trip to White Sands (photos to come soon), which Bernadette hated. They were just too cute at their birthday too. Timothy was the only one willing to blow out the candles, but didn't. Then he tried to grab the flame and Daddy wasn't quick enough to stop him, but I think he only got the wax on his hand. Then we put some party hats on them and they weren't too sure about those until they saw each other and thought it was so funny. They also had a great 1 year check up. All is looking good and they are getting a lot bigger. I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Bernadette 1 year stats:
Weight: 17 lbs. 7 oz. ~ 3%
Height: 28 inches ~ 16% That's up from the 3%!
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches ~ 15%
What's new: She can pull up, balance on her own, has stood all by herself once, cruise the furniture, wave hi and bye, play patty cake, blow kisses, tries to brush her hair and put clothes on. She like to try and put my shoes on, gives kisses, has 6 teeth. She can say: Andrew, Amanda, hat and ball.

Timothy 1 year stats:
Weight: 21 lbs ~ 21% That is up from 7% last time!!!
Height: 30 inches ~ 55% That is up from 22% last time!!!
Head Circumference: 18 inches ~ 19%
What's new: He can pull up and cruise the furniture, he has 7 teeth and can say just over 20 words. Some new words are Elise, diaper, get it, shoe, more and a ton more I can't think of. He can also wave bye-bye, play patty cake, itsy bitsy spider and sort of blow kisses. He also tries to comb his hair.

Raggedy Ann Cake for Bernadette

Raggedy Andy Cake for Timothy

I think the red, string licorice hair was a good idea

(If I do say so myself...)

Happy First Birthday Timothy!

Happy First Birthday Bernadette!

I think she looks so cute in her skirt!

Got to have a picture on the table with you birthday cake.

Not sure if he liked a rag doll cake....

She may not be looking, but at least

she is smiling.

They are ready to sing happy birthday and open presents!

Andrew was there to help blow out candles and

open presents.

Maybe he did try to blow out his candle.

You can see him trying to grab it.

Get ready to blow out your candle Bernadette.

She doesn't look to happy about it.

Yummy Cake! They loved to eat cake

and ice cream!

Party Time! They looked adorable in thier party hats!

There was nothing cuter than when they'd look at each

other's hat and laugh. If I knew how to put a video on

here I would.

Even Daddy got a hat!