Saturday, July 12, 2008

Potty Progress

So, we have been potty training for about 2 weeks now (give or take) and Andrew is doing pretty well. He tells me every time he has to go #2, but has yet to do it on the potty. He is very good at telling me when he has to go potty when we are out and about; I think he just likes to see all those other potties. Now, at home, it is hit or miss. We have days where he tells me he needs to go potty and other days where it is one accident after another. As long as I am on top of the time, all is good, but it is easier for him to go when mommy remembers. Over all I am very surprised at how well he is doing. Now we just need to work on him telling ME every time he needs to go. I am sure the #2 part will come later. This is why I started now, that way I have a lot of time with nothing else going on to focus on him and take it slow and easy. I will probably decide in another 2 weeks to give it up for later. ;)


The Giggling Begins... said...

Well sounds like Andrew is doing good with it so far. We got the potty and just need to start the process. Oh fun times ahead!

Rachel said...

That's good progress, Mr. Andrew! I've heard it takes longer for most kiddos to #2 in the potty. So, don't worry about that at all.