Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Funnies ~ The Green Lizzard

The other day as I opened the door or the laundry room to go into the garage this pretty big green lizard ran into the laundry room and under the dryer. Well, Andrew just thought that was the greatest thing ever and told everybody, including me "mommy let this green lizard into the laundry room". I was just so sure that it would crawl under the door and be eaten by the dog or cats. Or worse, not be eaten, but be killed and I would have to clean up the mess. So for the next 24 hours Andrew would NOT shut up about the lizard. He even cried when I put him to bed because daddy was suppose to catch the lizard. I had told him that daddy better catch it when he got home. Andrew even tried to help by bringing daddy one of the nets from his Elefun game. Well, yesterday when Marc and I got back from lunch there was the lizard, in the middle of the laundry room. And wouldn't you know it, he ran back under the dryer. At least I knew he was still alive. So, later on I noticed Max sitting on the dryer looking intently at the boxes on the shelf. There he was, the green lizard. I then tried to catch him in a cup to rescue him from the cats. Man he was fast. So instead I decided to just move the whole box he was sitting on. It was this plastic box with handles on it. I was holding one of the handles and moving the box as slowly as possible, but when I took my other hand off the bottom to open the door the handle broke and box went crashing to the floor, practically crushing the poor lizard. As his life was lashing before his eyes, I am sure, he "let go" of his tail and ran into the garage. I was sure the little guy was dead, but he seemed ok. He did however get his revenge. After I got home from picking up Andrew I was walking back to the car to get my stuff when something ran over my foot, from behind. I saw our little green lizard glaring at me from under my car. I mean it was a total sneak attack. He came from nowhere and there is a lot of room in the garage and he just happened to run over my foot? I don't think so. ;)


Rachel said...

OMG! Too funny!

Becky said...

Yuck!! Ewww gross!!!

Kristi said...

Very funny. For me. To laugh at you. Not funny if it were me. :-)