Monday, August 3, 2009


One of Marc's coworkers has been inviting us to bring Andrew to come visit her horse "Maggie". So, the other day we finally make it out there. Let just say Andrew had a blast! Not so sure "Maggie" would agree. First, Andrew got to take a little trot together with Dana. Next, Dana, was going to let Andrew sit up on the horse and lead them around the paddock. Well, I don't think "Maggie" liked the idea and she started dancing around and getting a little spooked. All the while Andrew is sitting on the horse hanging on for all he's worth. Marc and I are looking on from the other side of the fence frozen in place. Dana meanwhile is trying to hold on to the horse and Andrew at the same time all while yelling for Andrew to jump off. The look on his face was like "you told me to hold on". Well, she finally pulled him off and he got a little face full of dust. No harm no foul. He thought that was the best thing ever! When I asked him if he was scared he looked at me like I was from Mars and said "I wasn't scared, it was fun". Future equestrian perhaps??? Anyway, while we were there he got to help give the horse a "bath" and see a donkey and a colt. Not to mention like 8 barn kittens who kept following him around. I'm surprised he didn't come home covered in fleas. He just really had a good time and keeps telling me "remember that time I jumped off that horse? I want to do that again.". I even got up on the horse for a bit. I probably haven't been on a horse in close to 20 years!!!! I must say I still can do it. Though, "Maggie" didn't seem any happier to have me up there.

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