Saturday, September 12, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Andrew has been saying some pretty funny stuff lately. The other day we were at Half Priced Books looking around and while GAM and I were looking at the shelf we hear a big clatter. When we turn around we see Andrew holding a record sleeve and a record on the floor (luckily it didn't break). Andrew then tells us "Oops! I dropped that big CD". We laughed so hard. Not to bad for someone who has never seen a record before and has know idea what it is for. Later we went for lunch and an Asian restaurant and Andrew got his chopsticks and raised them over his head, banged them together and went "one, two, one, two, three, four", then proceeded to hit them on the table just as if it were a drum kit. Where he got that from, I have no idea.

Yesterday, I saw a fire ant hill next to our driveway. I was trying to tell Andrew to never go near it because those ants are really mean and will bite him and that it will hurt very bad. So he then asks me why the ants are mean and I tell him that they just are. Like any typical 3 year old, the why, why, why follows, so I tell him God made them that way. He thinks about it for a little bit then tells me "Well, Jesus needs to make them happy". How cute is that!!! When we do talk about Jesus he always asks "The Jesus in my heart?", awwwww!

When we were in El Paso, Andrew and I went to my sister's house for dinner one night and they were watching Amadeus. Well, at every scene when Mozart was conducting the orchestra Andrew would stand in front of the TV and pretend to conduct too. It was pretty cute. He really liked that movie and watch most of it intently. Especially when the music came on. I know some of the songs her recognized from Little Einsteins, but a good portion of the songs he had never heard.

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