Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Visit From Grandma and Grandpa

This weekend we got a special visit from Marc's parents. Andrew was so excited to see them. Grandpa Jebb was his new best friend and Andrew followed him EVERYWHERE! At first he was calling Grandma Kate, Grandma Patsy and then he switched over to calling her Grandma Cake. It was soooo cute! We had a busy weekend. We went golfing on Friday, the Fort Worth Zoo on Saturday, and Texas State Fair on Sunday. We had a blast!!!! I know he is already missing them.

You know Andrew, he had to show Grandpa his golfing skill.

Riding in the golf cart with Grandpa and Grandma "Cake"

His face in this picture is just too funny.
I think he was looking to see if ball went in the hole.
The Fort Worth Zoo has a really neat bird house
where you can get a stick and feed the Parakeets.
Andrew got a few to land on his stick. I don't think all the birds
had waken up yet and so they didn't get real active/hungry until we left.
Of Course he kept trying to touch them and then they'd fly away.
I think we have found the trick to the State Fair. We got there about
an hour before it opened, the gates were opened at that time, and took all our pictures
and visited the animals. Which was about the only thing open at that time.
By the time it got crowded we had seen/done everything we needed to do.

Andrew, Grandpa and Grandma in front of Big Tex.
Kate and Jebb also got their first taste of the famous Fletcher's Corny Dog.
It was nice to get into the petting zoo early. There was maybe 10 people in there
total including us.

Getting ready to go up on the Farris wheel. Grandpa
doesn't like rides, so he waited at the bottom. I have to say
this is a really good picture of Marc and Andrew.

Here we are close to the top.
If you look hard you can see the tiny
cars in the background.
Andrew really wanted to ride some rides this time.
We did let him go on a few. I have a really cute one
of he and Marc coming down the
big slide, but I will save those pictures for another post.


Kristi said...

Great pictures! I would have loved to take Lauren up on the big ferris wheel, but I was worried she'd freak out and there'd be no way to get off. FUN!!!

Becky said...

I can't believe Andrew rode the big ferris wheel! Brave kid! He looks so tall too! Grandma cake is hilarious:)