Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

Andrew was so cute this year. He was really excited about dressing up and I think he remembered what the deal was from last year. Which, by the way, is when he decided that wanted to be Superman. Marc wore a Superman T-shirt and Andrew's cape and Andrew cried then to be Superman. So, this year when I asked him what he wanted to be he said without missing a beat "Superman".

Here he is helping Daddy gut the pumpkin.

Reaching in to grab the seeds.

Making sure Mommy did a good job on the carving.
After Karate class he insists on wearing his
Rick's Kicks T-shirt all day. I hope you can't
tell he doesn't have shorts on.
Two great smiles.

I pretty much threw this costume together.
It's a Superman T-shirt, a blue pair of PJ's, a pair of
red underwear and socks, a cape we got at Six Flags, and yellow
electrical tape for a belt.
Up, Up and Away!

We tried really hard to get the Superman curl.
His bangs were cut a little too short
the last time we went to the Barber. Then it had to be
on the side with his cowlick or it wouldn't have worked at all.
This is right before we went trick-or treating.
At each house, after the people opened the door, Andrew would
say "Trick-or-treat Jesus!". What was up with that?
I have no idea where he got that from.


Becky said...

He looks great! Love the trick or treat Jesus...Hillarious:)))


He is getting so big! I can't believe how little they were when we played. Now we are far away :( Warner was Darth Vader for Halloween and he wanted to be him. He is obsessed with Darth Vader and Batman. I just saw your blog comment on mine. I wonder why I never saw it till now! Hope you guys are great! Miss you! Jane

Victoria said...

Andrew looks awesome!!