Monday, December 7, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Boy! He is really into Christmas this year. When I pulled out all the decorations he insisted on helping me. Which, as you might guess, wasn't all that helpful (but super cute). On Saturday, he got to help daddy put the lights out in the yard. Marc said he started complaining about the cold, but he made him stay out there.

Sometimes I just can't believe how good his memory is. He has only seen Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer once last year. This year when it came on he immediately asked me if this is the one where that monster captures his mommy. I also think it is kind of funny that of all the things from that show, he remembers that. He also tells me that he is scared of that "Bombibal Monster".

The other thing that has been cracking me up is watching him play with his Little People Nativity Scene. All my friends with little girls play with them so nice and sweet. Not my kid. Baby Jesus is always on the verge of being eaten by a dinosaur. This said dinosaur, is constantly biting and picking up the barn, throwing and tossing everyone around, which somehow causes an explosion. Every person in the scene has at one point been very forcible jammed onto the roof where the Angel sits and when you press down starts the music. They will all be lucky if they make it to next Christmas. Andrew also still insists on call Baby Jesus, her. Even when I ask him if its is a boy or girl baby he tells me its a boy and then turns right around and says her.

Last funny thing, Andrew was getting ready to jump of something and yelled for me to look and after I did, I told him he couldn't do that. He then tells me "well, then don't look".


Kristi said...

He cracks me up. The "well then don't look" comment is CLASSIC!

The Pross' said...

That is hilarious......I'm kinda scared now to have a boy.....if we get

Becky said...

Oh my gosh.."well then don't look" that cracks me up! He's a hoot!!