Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Andrew Anecdotes

Two stories about Andrew today. First, ever since my Grandma died and we explained to Andrew that sometimes when some one is old they die and go to heaven. Well, then he asked like who so we went through the whole list of who would eventually go to heaven. One of them was Bruce (the dog). Now EVERY time we meet some one new Andrew tells them "My dog is Bruce, he's going to die. Then we are going to get a girl puppy". We have been telling him over and over that Bruce isn't going to die for a long, long time. He doesn't seem to care.

The next story I am sure is going to sound very funny to you all, me not so much. Every once in a while his Mother's Day Out doesn't have the carpool line and I have to walk him to his class. Well, yesterday he kept telling me that I can't go into his classroom, over and over. He was practically on the verge of tears when I said I wouldn't go in. Well, later that night when Marc asked him why he didn't want me to come in he got real agitated and wouldn't say at first. Then he finally whispered "because mommy is fat". Marc thought it was hilarious and I, on the other hand, started to pretend to cry. Well, that really made him upset and I almost made him cry. He knew what he had said was kind of mean. Then he started to make excuses like " so and so's mommy can't come in because she's sick" stuff like that. Really the sad thing is that he is finally getting to that age where the way mommy looks, or acts is going to embarrass him. That really made me want to cry.

1 comment:

Becky said...

OMG that kiddo is hilarious!!!!