Friday, April 16, 2010

Pregnancy Progress ~ Week 27

Had another Dr. appointment today at 27 weeks. I am officially in my 3rd trimester. They did my 1 hour glucose test and a sono of the babies to see how they were doing. All is looking well! Both babies are measuring about two and a half pounds, which is average for a single baby pregnancy. My uterus is at about 34 cm which is normal for a twin pregnancy. Best part is my cervix is still nice and long which indicates (at least right now) that I won't be having pre-term labor any time soon. Other than exercise I still have no restrictions on activity (YEAH). My Dr. always seems surprised by that. Weight is still looking good, though I have reached my pre-pregnancy weight. :( So, my weight gain to this point is technically zero. I know, I shouldn't complain. I am 7 months pregnant with twins, what should I expect. I guess I was just spoiled with Andrew ;) She did say that, unless I go into labor on my own before the 39th week she will schedule my C-section for that week. That makes it July 8th. Baby B which is the boy is still completely horizontal, with his head under my right ribs and she is presenting butt first and her head is over by my left hip. She is facing up and he is facing down, sort of Yin Yang style. It was so great to see them move and know all is going well so far. I go in 2 weeks for my steroid shots and then I will continue to see the Dr. every 2 weeks.
Here a some pictures of my sono pictures. Not the best, but all I got. I hope you all can tell what is what.

Baby boy; head, chest and arms

Baby boy again; head, chest and I think he is sucking
his thumb.

Baby girl; head, upper chest, and arm

Baby girl: head chest and arm



Hey girl,
Wow I can't believe you are almost going to have two babies! You are going to be so busy- in a good way. Missing you guys a TON! I wish I could be there to see the new babies, but when they come, I want to see lots of pictures ok? Best wishes! Jane

Rachel said...

YEAH! I can't wait to meet those babies! So glad to hear that you're still doing great and that those babies are growing and grooving!

Becky said...

How exciting! I can't wait to meet them! Oh yeah and call them something else besides baby A and B! haha!