Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just Something To Make You Laugh

A couple of funny stories I just had to share because they made me laugh. First off is one about me, and Marc will probably wonder why I am even posting it.... Anyway, as you can imagine it is getting pretty hard for me to bend all the way over now, so to compensate when I get undressed at night I just kick all may clothes off and into the hamper. I usually make. Not the other night; my undies got stuck on one of my toes and flew off at a complete right angle and into the toilet. It was a one in a million shot. I was just lucky that Andrew had not been the last one to use it. He doesn't always remember to flush.

Second you know you are getting big when someone tells you "You look great...for having twins". In other words, you are HUGE, and it looks like you are having twins. Or the girl riding in the elevator with you who can't stop staring opened mouth at your tummy when she finds out you still have till July to go.

Last little story is about Andrew. I know I have posted in the past how he is obsessed with the mole on my arm. He tells me the other day "they babies can't touch the mole ok".

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I bet Andrew would try to kick his clothes into the hamper, or the toilet, as well. Good times in the kingdom.