Monday, December 13, 2010

Twin Tales ~ 5 Months

This last month has gone by so fast! I don't have much in the way of stats, but Bernadette is about 15 lbs and Timothy is about 16 lbs. Not too much "new" has been happening. Both babies can kind of hold thier bottles now. Bernadette is much better at it, which is funny snce she won't take a bottle to eat (they get bottles with water each day that they are suppose to drink...). Timothy still takes one, but he hasn't need to have one in a while since I haven't gone anywhere for more than a few hours. They are really getting cute!

Likes - Timothy, she tries as hard as she can to get him to look at her and they she just smiles a coos away, taking Timothy's toys from him and she LOVES to take the pacifier out of his mouth. Bruce the dog.
Dislikes - Being in the carseat or stroller too long, having her nose wiped

Likes - Getting kissed under the chin and mommy "chomping" on his tummy, throwing toys around, gurggeling his food/water and Bruce the dog.
Dislikes - Poopy diapers! Mommy blowing her nose.

Timothy with a little smile.

Bernadette not looking too scared here like usual.

Getting so big!

Here's a good one of Timothy smiling!

1 comment:

Becky said...

WOw they are getting BIG! Super cute babies...hope you guys are doing well!