Saturday, January 29, 2011

Andrew Anecdotes ~ New Bike and More

Well, turns out the bike Santa brought on Christmas was too big for Andrew. After he crashed once he decided that "bikes are dangerous" and he has to be 12 before he can ride it again. It nearly brought him to tears when I suggested we go ride his bike. So, Santa made a very special trip back to Frisco to take back Andrew's old bike and left a new smaller one a couple of weeks ago before we took the tree down. Andrew was so surprised that Santa came to his house just for him. Needless to say, the new bike is just right and he really likes riding it.

A few other funny Andrew stories. First off, after 6 months, Andrew finally asked me "what is that part of Bernadette called where she is missing her penis?". It cracked me up the way he put it. So, I told him and now he is calling it a "vhinoceros". How he got vhinoceros from vagina, I may never know.
One day at StrollerFit when some of the other big kids were there he comes up and tells me "I'm in love.". The big sister of one of his friends was there and they were all playing. I guess he is going to go for older women.
While we were in El Paso he was playing Wii Resort a lot with his cousins and really having a good time. So, we used his Christmas money to get it for him and he has pretty much been playing it ever since. He's getting pretty good at some of the games too. However, anytime he looses he gets really upset (something we are going to have to work on) and yells that his opponents are "cheaters cheaters".
Finally, we got him signed up for tee-ball (though he doesn't really need a tee anymore). He is so excited and I can't wait to post pictures of him playing. I only hope his team isn't red, as that is not hie favorite color... ;)

1 comment:

Becky said...

OMG i read this out loud to Bob and we both laughted:) I always heart Andrew and his comments...So SUPER glad Santa made that trip back to Frisco:)