Monday, March 14, 2011

Twin Tales ~ 8 Months

I know I am a little late with this post, but we have been super busy the last few weeks. I had a visit from a good friend of mine followed by a visit from my parents. The babies have been changing a lot this past month. Timothy now has 2 teeth that came in a few weeks ago. Bernadette has one tooth that broke through about a week or so after Timothy's 2nd one came through. They weren't too bad teething either. YAY!!! Still no crawling yet (not that I am complaining, I am not looking forward to chasing after 2 babies). Yet, they have NO PROBLEM getting where they want to go. Lots of pivoting and rolling. I will say that Timothy has said 2 words (yes I am counting them). The first one was, get this, Bernadette. Yep, probably the hardest name to say. I was debating weather or not to count it but I did get it on video to show everyone and they all agree, he has said it. Grant it, it sounds like "Bah-dette", but still. Then he said Timothy a few days ago (my mom and dad heard it too). That one said like "Tee-Tee". The babies are getting to where they really like eating food and Timothy will do this little hand wave, like a scooping motion, when he is getting excited to eat. So cute. Bernadette is really starting to get shy around big crowds and new people and places. I think she is going to be a mama's baby. When we went to our cousin's birthday party I sat her and Timothy on the floor and she started to bawl! Then she wouldn't even let me walk away without crying. My aunt had to follow me around holding her so she'd be happy. She is such a stinker too. She has a little temper too, (hmmm, I wonder who she gets that from...). She now knows how to pull the bows out of her. Just when she got enough hair to wear them in her hair instead of on a headband, typical Bernadette. Other than that, not much else going on. They go in for their next Dr. appointment next month so I will have all their stats to add.

Their solid onesies were too small, so they have theese ones on
that have their names and a picture emborderied on it. I should have takend a
picture without the sticker too so you all could see how cute they are.

She knows she is a stinker.

My happy baby.

Look how big they are getting!

WOW 2 good smiles!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Man I just cant believe how big they are better rest up soon before they get mobile:))