Monday, April 25, 2011

Twin Tales ~ 9 Months

I am sooooo late is posting this! But, it was a good thing since both babies have done a lot of new things in the last couple of weeks. Timothy started Army crawling at the beginning of the month and Bernadette just started to crawl for real in the last few days. She can also sit up all on her own. They have also started eating table food for lunch and dinner. They can both drink from a straw. I just can't believe how much that are doing. It was also their first Easter, but I will post those pictures late. Now, I will have to say it was really hard getting them to stay still to take these pictures!!!!

Weight: 15 lbs 9 oz - 4%
Height: 25.5 inches - 3%
She went down in her percentiles so we are having to up her calories. Which isn't as easy as it sounds. She eats a lot. We are trying to supplement with formula but, she won't drink from a bottle, or sippy cup... Not that she can't, she won't. She is getting better at drinking water from them and really likes drinking from a straw.

Weight: 17 lbs 9 oz - 7%
Height: 27.5 inches - 22%
He is still maintaining for the most part and will probably get really fat now since we give him a bottle when we try and give Bernadette one. He drinks his all gone. It doesn't matter what we give him he will drink it.



Try 1

Try 2

Try 7 a success!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

They are the cutest babies!