Friday, June 20, 2008

The Year So Far

Ok, to help me get started blogging, I am going to do a brief overview of what has been going on so far in 2008.

January: Not much happened this month. I did cut my hair and donated a 12 inch pony tail to Locks of Love. We had a nice quiet New Year at home. We were still TTC at this point and my Dr. said to take my medicine again just in case, that way we would decrease the chances of a repeat of Sept. Good thing too, because it still hasn't worked yet. Andrew started a MDO program once a week on Thursdays and loves it. He only cried the first few times and then could careless that I was leaving.

February: I turned 30!!!!!!! Not as bad as I thought, but it just sounds so old. But, they say you are as young as you feel and I still feel 20. Jennifer had her first baby at the beginning of the month and now Andrew has a cousin his age that lives "close" by.

March: The big March event was our trip to Disney World. Marc had a business trip to take there so Andrew and I tagged along. The best part was that my mom and dad got to come and enjoy (help me with) Andrew. We all had a great time! I was worried Andrew was going to be too little to enjoy anything, but not so. He loved everything he went on. I think his favorite was the Dinosaur/Dumbo spin ride and the Wild Animal Park. I am sure he got pretty sick of The Pirates of the Caribbean ride. He and Marc rode it like 8 times while it was raining and I was trying to pick up some pictures before we left. He even like The Haunted Mansion. This was also his first trip to the beach, which was a little cold. He had a blast and yes he did eat a sea shell and chase the birds around. Then while we were trying to fly home there was a big snow storm in Dallas and our flight got canceled. But, if you are going to get stuck someplace FL is the place to be. Needless to say while all our friends were out in the snow, we got another day at Disney. Next came a visit from Marc's brother and family. Andrew had a really good time with big cousin Ryan. We got to go to the World Aquarium and see all the animals as well as playing at the park. The boys had a blast. After that was Easter. Andrew started to get the hang of hunting eggs until he realized there was candy in the eggs after that he only wanted the candy. I think the Easter Bunny is only going to put 1 candy in each egg next year. I thing his favorite toy was a carrot shaped bat and ball. He still uses them now. I was thankful for the busy month, with the other baby's due date being March 31st, I needed some distractions. Still TTC at this point and my Dr. upped my dose.

April: Big month; Andrew turned 2! Where has the time gone! I really just seemed like yesterday that he was born. He really is a little boy now and not a baby. His birthday party went well and he loved all his toys. We got him a swing set and a water table that he Loves! Now I hear "outside Mommy" all the time. Yet with all the toys out there, his favorite thing to do is pick up dog poop. At least he is no longer trying to help by picking them up with his hands. Now he just point to all the piles for us to put in the bag. Even now, the first thing he tells Marc when he gets home is "Poop! Pick up Daddy!" and runs to the back door. This month was also the first time Andrew pee peed on the potty by himself. He still doesn't tell me when he has to go, but I am just glad he goes when I put him on the pot.

May: Andrew's vocabulary exploded this month. He went from mostly jibber-jabbering with a clear word here and there to sentences with a jibber-jabber here and there. It is amazing! His favorite thing to talk about is the garbage truck. He tells me about it all the time and what it does and sounds like. His obsession with Night at the Museum has also strengthened this month. We watch that, Jumanji, The Greatest Game Ever Played and Stick It over and over. I thought kids were suppose to like cartoons. This month Marc's brother graduated from Law School and we all went to Lubbock for the graduation and Mother's day. It was fun! Not only did we see Marc's brother and family again, but Grandma Kate, Grandpa Jebb and Aunt Amanda were there too! All 9 of us stayed in a 2 bedroom apartment. One of the cutest things Andrew did this month was when he was looking at his cousin Heather's prom pictures. He look an one of them and his eyes got real big, his mouth opened wide and he went "OOOOOO! Pretty!" This was like the first time he has ever made and observation like that and told us. It was the cutest thing! Still TTC this month and I actually had a follicle! But no success this time around. I am hopeful that it will work this time around. It has almost been a whole year since I was pregnant the last time. I have decided I am only fertile in the summer. If it works this time around all my pregnancies will have started the last week of June or first week of July. Keeping our fingers crossed. We also had a visit from Grandma and Grandad. They came in for Heather's graduation and we drove back to El Paso with them.

June (so far): So we flew back from El Paso and the meanie's at the EP airport wouldn't let may dad help me with the kid, car seat and carry on. So, I had to try and put the car seat (which got stuck) in the x-ray thing by myself holding Andrew and all our shoes and stuff. So, we then had to take it apart to get it through. Then my wonderful son would not walk. I had to carry him, the car seat and backpack onto the plane. And let me tell you, the aisle is not wide enough for a car seat. The flight attendants didn't even offer to help. Luckily a nice man took the car seat to our row. The flight itself was wonderful! Andrew slept gate to gate (thank God for the 6 am flight!) and him in his own seat in the car seat left me free to relax. And I needed it! The back of the plane flight attendant helped me off of the plane which was great, but Andrew refused to walk and I had it with him by then! So, starting from the very last gate (literally) I pulled along a screaming crying Andrew, the whole way!!!!!!!!!!!!! All these people were staring and I was like "lalalal". I felt like saying to them all "stop staring or we will get on your flight and sit next to you!". I mean it is bad enough when you have to deal with your kid, you don't need everyone staring at you. Then to top it off Marc was a little late! Mommy not happy! I think if I would have had one more set of hands, it all would have been fine. Then I could have carried Andrew and Marc the rest. I think from now on, I won't be flying alone.

A Cute thing Andrew did the other day: Marc and I had been watching Austin Powers and Andrew was off playing with his cars. We didn't think he had payed the slightest bit of attention to the TV. Well, a couple of days later we were out doing something and Andrew goes "Yeah Baby". It was hilarious! but it goes to show you just how much of a little sponge they are.

Well, that is the year so far.


Unknown said...

This is such a good idea Becca! I have to send you some pictures I have from when we are all in Lubbock. I have one of Andrew and he has the cutest look on his face! When Brandon and I get our internet up and running I will be sure to send those to you!

The Pross' said...

This girl at work has one of these and I have been wanting to do it but haven't. Then you did it and I thought if Becca can do it so can I....I love this to be able to keep up with everything and see pictures too.

Rachel said...

This was so great to read! I'm so glad you've joined the blog-gy world!