Thursday, June 18, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Lately, to stall at bed time Andrew keeps asking for a hug then a kiss, then another, then another and so on. I started telling him "ok, no more hugs, no more kisses". Well, the last few times he gives me a hug and a kiss then tells me "ok, no more hugs, no more kisses". Then I kind of felt bad so now I tell him no more until he wakes up and he have as many hugs and kisses as he wants.

Not sure if I have posted already about how he has been pushing his limits lately? I have tried everything, rewards, punishments, ignoring him so on. The last time he got in trouble I was telling him that I don't want him to get in trouble, but he has to listen. This is what he told me: "but I don't want to listen. I want to do what I want.". Oh man, I am in for it.


Becky said...

Haha..I love Andrew!!

Kristi said...

Oh, he's too clever for his own good...