Sunday, June 7, 2009

Weekend Window ~ Boating

This weekend we went boating with some friends. Andrew had a blast. He loved it when the boat would go fast and kept asking to go faster. He and daddy also got to ride in a tube that was dragged behind the boat, sort of like water skiing. Andrew loved it. Don't worry, even though you can't see him, Marc is hanging on the back of the tube while Andrew was on it.

We also got a visit from my sister and her family. It is funny because Andrew called my other sister's family "The People" and this sister's family "My Friends". It took him nearly the entire time there were here before he could/would remember their names. He kept calling all of them Jennifer. LOL! Earlier in the week we went to Six Flags and he LOVED it! He wanted to ride everything and was sad when he was too short. The kid has no fear!!! We also went to Hurricane Harbor on a different day. He had a good time there too, but the water was FREEZING!!!!!! Needless to say my sister and I took all the really little ones home early. I think he would of had a better time if the water had been warmer. (I don't have any pictures of them together yet, but hopefully soon.) I forgot to add that all on his own he won 4 stuffed animals playing those carnival games!!!! I can't even win one of those!!!!

He is also a certified monkey. We went to a little friend's party at My Gym where they had like a gymnastics bar over the ball pit. Well, Andrew would stand on the side and jump to catch the bar in the air and then swing there for a few seconds. Man, that kid had the best hand-eye coordination. His timing was pretty much perfect. Speaking of which, he can now hit a baseball pitched to him (without using a Tee) almost every time. Grant it we are pretty close, but that isn't too bad for a 3 year old. He can also punt a football or soccer ball on his own now. That he must get from his father the soccer goalie. He just amazes me sometimes.


Becky said...

Looks fun:)))

The Pross' said...

At least he knows my