Friday, August 28, 2009

El Paso Trip Part III

I have been trying to get these pictures up for days, but for whatever reason they wouldn't "add". Anyway here are some pictures from our White Sands trip. We just love White Sands and try and go once a year. The day we went it was PACKED!!!! Almost every dune was full. I hadn't seen that many people there in a really long, long time. It was kind of funny, the first family that was next to us was from China and then after they left the next family that came was from India. We lent the 2nd family one of our sand sleds and they had a great time. They also thought Andrew was the cutest, funniest thing they'd ever seen and want to get their picture with him and came to hug him bye bye when they brought the sled back. They even asked him if he wanted to come with them and he said yes and then thought better about it. Which is kind of scary that he was willing to go at first. We all has such a good time.

The sunsets here are just beautiful!

Aren't we cute!

Here is a picture of Elise, Me, Joseph, Margaret (GAM) and Andrew

He had so much fun sliding down the hill in the sled.
When you live in the desert the only kind of sledding you
get to do is sand sledding.

His face says it all.

My mom and my Aunt

My cousin Matthew (Andrew's new bff) was digging a big hole
that eventually was deeper than Andrew was tall.

Getting deeper. I wish I could of had a video of Andrew running down the hill and when he saw the hole he put on the brakes, but kept sliding down and fell perfectly into the hole, body first and disappeared. This was the main reason the family from India thought he was so funny. Word just don't do it justice.

I think he was having fun.

Picnic time anyone?

How Elise, who is almost 13, and I managed to make it down the hill
on the sled is still beyond me. Even James looks a little shocked.

This picture of Eileen and Andrew was just too cute!


Kristi said...

You have some great pictures. It looks like so much fun!

Becky said...

Cool looks fun! I should have done that when I used to go there for work all the time. Would have been more fun then working:)