Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not so Wordless Wednesday ~ Poor Andrew

Monday night just before bed, Andrew was running full speed and tripped on something. He flew, Superman style, straight into his little table. It was one of those that you know is going to happen and you just can move fast enough to stop it. Needless to say he got a HUGH bump on his head. We were pretty lucky, it looked like it was that close to being split open. So glad we didn't need a trip to the ER for stitches! He was such a good boy and only cried for a tiny bit.


Kristi said...

Poor Andrew! :(

Whitney said...

Oh my goodness...that looks like it really hurt :(


I was looking at my blog with Warner's head injury and I found Andrews. What is up with our kids doing the same thing? Poor boys! Head first think later. That is so them :)