Friday, October 9, 2009

Andrew Anecdotes

Here is Andrew with my (our) cousin Matthew, who is
Andrew's new BFF.
It feels like it has been forever since I posted, but nothing has been going on lately. But here are a few funny things Andrew has done or said. First off, his school sends out a newsletter each month and one of the sections is "The Cute Things Kids Say". I am pretty sure one of their quotes came from Andrew, though I may never know for sure. It was introduce by telling us how one of the teachers was talking about eating dinner and all the good things we can eat. She then turns and asks the kid next to her what was their favorite thing to eat for dinner was and the kid's response was "JUNK!". The reason why I think this is Andrew is because when I tell him it is dinner time or he has to eat dinner first he tells me "I don't want dinner! I want junk!".

Sometimes he is just so observant. We were waiting in the carpool line for his school one morning. There are several flowering bushes that line the drive way and they are always swarming with bees. Andrew likes watching the bees from the window and told me "Hey look, those bees are playing Hide-n-go-seek." And you know it did look like that's what they were doing. It is just so cute the way their brains work and how they see the word.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I heart funny Andrew:)))