Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Walking With Dinosaurs!

A few weeks ago we took Andrew to see this show called Walking With Dinosaurs. It was AWESOME! They had life size dinosaurs the walked around and roared. I can't tell you how cool it was. It was like watching a real life Discovery Chanel show. The whole show was basically a science lesson with "real" participants. Andrew had see one of the dinosaurs on the news and had told us that he wanted to go, over and over and over and over again. He really enjoyed it and still talks about it. But of course my camera died just before the T-Rex came out. :( Some of the pictures may be blurry because couldn't use the flash.

Roar! I'm a "dinoroar"

The stage before the show. The Bracciosaurs
that came out reached all the way to those lights up top!




Victoria said...

saw that advertised! Looks like it was great!!


that looks awesome! Too bad we are far away now, we could have all gone :( I miss you Becca and Andrew :(

The Pross' said...

wow.....that does look neat.

Becky said...

Looks like fun! I can't get over how grown up Andrew is looking!!

Kristi said...

Very cool!