Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's a Boy and a Girl!!!

Ok, these aren't' the best pictures. I had to take a picture of the picture with my camera. I have a few more too, but I will post those and re-post these after I get my aunt to scan them in the near future.
So, it looks like it will be a boy and a girl. Andrew was right, yet again. Everything is looking good so far. They are measuring right on target. My Dr. said that if they continue to grow like this, I will have some pretty big twins (which I am assuming means about 6+ lbs). The girl is baby A which is the lower twin and the boy is baby B and he is above my bellybutton. They are both horizontal in my tummy right now facing each other. The other thing my Dr. wanted to check was the length of my cervix, as that can be a indicator if I could go into early labor, and I got an A++ on that. They also checked placenta positions and the girl's is a little close to my cervix, so they will keep an eye on that. My weight was good and my Dr. was happy. I gained about 3.5 lbs since my last visit, which puts me at -13 since I got pregnant. My BP was also good this time. It had been high the last few visits, but I think that was nerves (which seems to be the case).
Andrew was so cute watching the babies on the screen. When they said a boy and a girl he kept saying, "I was right, I was right". One of the babies was moving its arm and we told him it was waving at him and he started waving back. Then he "got scared" when they put the heart rates on the screen and told us he couldn't watch.
I just can't say how happy we are for 2 healthy babies! We are praying that all goes as well the rest of the pregnancy. Check back in a few days for better pictures.

I forgot to add, that as of today I am 18 1/2 weeks. I am measuring like 30-31 weeks. Now I don't feel so bad that I look like I did at 6 months with Andrew. The top of my uterus is about 3 almost 4 inches above my bellybutton.


Kristi said...

Yay, yay, yay!!! I'm so relieved that you and the babies are doing well. And of course, super excited that you have one of each! Congratulations again!!!


They called me and Amy baby a and baby b when we were born. Then again, back in 1974, when my mom had us, they didn't have ultrasounds, they used x-rays and she never believed she was having twins. I am so happy for you guys, you will have to post lots and lots of pictures, I am excited to see! Congrats!!! :)

Rachel said...

So, so awesome! I can't wait to see those babies and to watch your belly grow for the next few months!!

Victoria said...


Becky said...

WOw! How exciting and crazy your life is gonna be my friend:) I'm so thrilled for you guys!!