Friday, February 12, 2010


It started snowing early, early on the morning of the 11th and continued nonstop for 24 hours. Needless to say we got a ton of snow probably about 9-10 inches. DFW airport reported a new record of 12.5 inches! Andrew had so much fun playing in the snow. I am glad we bought snow pants and shoes when we visited Grandma and Grandpa in MI for Christmas 2008!

Getting ready to go out.

Trying to make a snowball with mittens isn't easy.

The first snowman Andrew has ever made.

He might look sad because the dog peed on his backside.

Today (Friday) Andrew got to wear daddy's hat.

He didn't want me to take anymore pictures so we could
have a snowball fight.

Here we are together in the snow.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

He is sooo cute! Love the pics!! Hope you're feeling great!!