Friday, March 19, 2010

Pregnancy Progress

Went in for a doctor appointment yesterday and everything is looking good! My blood pressure was great and my weight is awesome. As a matter of fact, I think she still wants me to gain more between visits. She told me I should gain quite a bit more by the next visit. I am still measuring the same as I did last month, which I can't see how since I am noticeably bigger. I think the babies have moved down a bit and so when I lie on my back there is more room for them to "fall back" into. The nurse did have a hard time finding our little girl's heartbeat, though she could see her moving and was picking up her movement on the doppler. I have a feeling that this is an indication of things to come..... She just seems to already have a mind of her own. YIKES!!! I go back in a month for a sono and the 1 hour glucose test. If I pass that then I will go back in 2 weeks for 2 steroid injections to help mature the babies' lungs in case they are born before 34 weeks. My doctor also said this is probably the last month I will feel good and I quote " will feel like death warmed over" after that.

We are very happy that things are looking so good so far. The babies are moving all over the place. They are getting strong enough now that you can see my tummy move when they move some of the time. Andrew is totally excited. He told me the other day "I want the babies to get out now" and when I asked him why he told me "because I want to see them". Awwww He is also so cute when he kisses my tummy. He usually just walks up and will kiss my tummy just below and then just above my bellybutton. One kiss on each baby.


Rachel said...

Yeah for the good progress report! Can't believe you're more than 1/2 way there! :)

Victoria said...

great update!

Bethany said...

I love it and am soo excited. I am ready for them to come as well but they need to "cook" much longer. And thus the wait continues.