Monday, November 29, 2010

Andrew Anecdotes

Wow, have we been busy lately! Andrew is doing really well in MDO this year, especially in Spanish. He is still being a really good big brother. He sings his own version of Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies" to Bernadette that goes like "All the Single Babies"... It is hilarious!! He is also getting a little too observant for his own good. While talking with Grandma in the kitchen about him (nothing big or anything) he tells us "I CAN hear you, I AM right HERE". Well, I guess that means we better watch what we say. He has been so excited about all the holidays this year and couldn't wait to get the tree up, but like any typical 4 year old he got bored after 5 ornaments. I also let him help pick out the presents he was going to give the babies this year and he couldn't stop playing with them. Apparently they weren't joking when the box says 6M+ He is also, kind of on a picture strike. Every time I try and take his picture he makes a funny face or does some weired thing with his hands. I do have a few good ones but they are going to go in the decorating the Christmas tree post in a few days.

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