Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Twin Tales ~ 4 Months

We had the twins 4 month check-up the other day and they are doing great! They have been doing so much in the last 4 weeks, I can't believe it! Both babies are now rolling from their backs to their tummies. Bernadette has been doing this for a few weeks now and Timothy just started the other day. They have both found their feet and hands. We also started on cereal! I will say neither one really likes it yet. Our big thing is they have moved out of our room into their own room and in separate cribs. I will say they did much better than I though, especially Bernadette. We also stopped swaddling since they can roll now and that too wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Bernadette goes about 6 hours between feedings on most nights, but Timothy is still getting up every 3 hours (UGH!).Here are their 4 month stats:

Weight - 11 lbs. 9 oz. 13%
Height - 23 inches 14%
Head Circumference - 15.50 inches 14%
Likes: Tummy time now, putting toys in her mouth and she "sings" when she is happy. She is getting way better at being in the car seat.
Dislikes: The bottle and being in the car seat/stroller for a long time

Weight - 12 lbs. 11 oz. 14%
Height - 24.5 inches 39% (way up from before)
Head Circumference - 16 inches 16%
Likes: Chewing on his fingers, putting toys in his mouth and kisses under the chin.
Dislikes: Having to "put himself" to sleep in the crib, and drinking water



Look how big they are getting!

After she ate her cereal

Bernadette's first taste

After he ate his cereal. He cried a bit.

Timothy's first taste

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