I can't believe it has been a year already! It truly has flown by. It seems like only yesterday we were heading to the hospital to meet our twins. How Bernadette was so tiny she didn't fit well in the car seat. Now they have grown so big and are all over the place. For their first birthday we drove to El Paso for the Fourth of July so they could celebrate their birthday with a lot of family. I decided to do Raggedy Ann and Andy cakes since that is what their first Halloween costumes were. My Aunt Margaret (GAM) helped me make them. I think we did a pretty good job. I also followed the North Texas tradition of getting Bernadette a petty-skirt to wear for her fist birthday. Too bad she isn't walking yet or it would have been even cuter. They really enjoyed seeing all their aunts, uncles and cousins, even though Timothy had the WORST case of diaper rash following a bout of diarrhea. Poor guy, we stopped at a truck stop to gas up and when I got him out of the car his white onesie was brown from his wait to his arm pits. Andrew kept yelling at Marc from the changing table "Daddy you really have to come see this! There's poop EVERYWHERE!". They also had their first trip to White Sands (photos to come soon), which Bernadette hated. They were just too cute at their birthday too. Timothy was the only one willing to blow out the candles, but didn't. Then he tried to grab the flame and Daddy wasn't quick enough to stop him, but I think he only got the wax on his hand. Then we put some party hats on them and they weren't too sure about those until they saw each other and thought it was so funny. They also had a great 1 year check up. All is looking good and they are getting a lot bigger. I can't wait to see what the next year brings.
Bernadette 1 year stats:
Weight: 17 lbs. 7 oz. ~ 3%
Height: 28 inches ~ 16% That's up from the 3%!
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches ~ 15%
What's new: She can pull up, balance on her own, has stood all by herself once, cruise the furniture, wave hi and bye, play patty cake, blow kisses, tries to brush her hair and put clothes on. She like to try and put my shoes on, gives kisses, has 6 teeth. She can say: Andrew, Amanda, hat and ball.
Timothy 1 year stats:
Weight: 21 lbs ~ 21% That is up from 7% last time!!!
Height: 30 inches ~ 55% That is up from 22% last time!!!
Head Circumference: 18 inches ~ 19%
What's new: He can pull up and cruise the furniture, he has 7 teeth and can say just over 20 words. Some new words are Elise, diaper, get it, shoe, more and a ton more I can't think of. He can also wave bye-bye, play patty cake, itsy bitsy spider and sort of blow kisses. He also tries to comb his hair.

Raggedy Ann Cake for Bernadette

Raggedy Andy Cake for Timothy

I think the red, string licorice hair was a good idea
(If I do say so myself...)

Happy First Birthday Timothy!

Happy First Birthday Bernadette!

I think she looks so cute in her skirt!

Got to have a picture on the table with you birthday cake.

Not sure if he liked a rag doll cake....

She may not be looking, but at least
she is smiling.

They are ready to sing happy birthday and open presents!

Andrew was there to help blow out candles and
open presents.

Maybe he did try to blow out his candle.
You can see him trying to grab it.

Get ready to blow out your candle Bernadette.
She doesn't look to happy about it.

Yummy Cake! They loved to eat cake
and ice cream!

Party Time! They looked adorable in thier party hats!

There was nothing cuter than when they'd look at each
other's hat and laugh. If I knew how to put a video on
here I would.

Even Daddy got a hat!