Monday, October 24, 2011

Twin Tales

I have been such a SLACKER with my blogging! A lot has happened since the last post. Both babies are FINALLY walking. Bernadette took her first steps on August 16th and decided to walk all the time instead of crawl around Sept. 22nd. Timothy on the other hand was not so cooperative. He stood up all on his own the same day Bernadette walked and didn't even attempt a real step until Oct. 1st! He would think about taking a step, lift his foot then kind of go "whoa" and sit back down before anything happened. However, once he decided that he could walk he has been working hard at it and by Oct. 19th he was choosing to walk instead of crawl. He is still a little wobbly though. In the mean time sister has been climbing on everything and will look at me and laugh. Such a stinker. Both kids are liking Mother's Day Out. No more tears at drop off. Bernadette has become very attached to her blankie and wants to take it everywhere now, instead of just sleeping with it. While Timothy just likes stuffed animals.

They had a great 15 month well check up. Both kids are growing and doing what they are suppose to. Both are still hanging out in the same percentiles, but that is better than going down.
Here are their stats:

Weight: 19lbs 9 oz - 7%
Height: 29.5 inches - 24%
HC: 17.75 inches - 28%
Likes: her blankie and wearing her pink, Texas Rangers hat ALL the time
Dislikes: Getting sand or sugar on her hands (the kid won't even eat a sugar cookie), taking off her Rangers hat, brother taking her stuff, Andrew sitting on mommy's lap.

Weight: 22 lbs 10 oz - 24%
Height:30.5 inches - 33%
HC: 18.5 inches - 45%
Likes: Swinging, rocking, laying his head on stuffed animals
Dislikes: When things don't go his way, sister taking his stuff and when Andrew or Bernadette is on mommy's lap.

I am a big girl, look at me walk.

I am going to walk all the time now.

Timothy walking in his Halloween costume.

More pictures of both him walking

and Halloween to come.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Sounds like you are gonna have a little princess on your hands:) Reese is the same way and freaks out about dirty or sticky hands..good times ha! Still can't believe they are old enough to walk! Super cute kids Becca